Saline Formula

Saline in Uyuni monitoring is configured using formulas with forms. The package is installed by default, and contains these formulas:

  • Saline Prometheus

  • Saline Grafana

These formulas are extending the configuration of Grafana and Prometheus created with Monitoring Formulas.

1. Saline Prometheus

Procedure: Configuring the Saline Prometheus Formula
  1. Navigate to the Formulas  Saline Prometheus tab, and set these parameters in the Saline Prometheus section:

    • Check the Enable Saline scrape configuration box to enable Saline Prometheus monitoring.

    • In the Saline port number field, type the port number, if it was changed while Saline deployment or leave default 8216, if it wasn’t changed during deployment.

    • Check the Saline secure connection (HTTPS) to use secure connection to Saline (used by default).

  2. Click Save Formula to save your configuration.

2. Saline Grafana

Procedure: Configuring the Saline Grafana Formula
  1. Navigate to the Formulas  Saline Grafana tab, and set these parameters in the Saline Grafana section:

  2. In the Dashboards section, check the dashboards you want to use:

    • Uyuni server dashboard with Saline

    • Uyuni Saline States Job dashboard

  3. Click Save Formula to save your configuration.

3. Activate Forms

When you have completed and saved all the forms, apply the highstate.