Client Registration

There are several ways to register clients to your Uyuni Server. This section covers the various available methods. It also contains information specific to the operating system you intend to run on the client.

Before you begin, check that:

  • The client has the date and time synchronized correctly with the Uyuni Server before registration.

  • You have created an activation key. For more information about creating activation keys, see Activation Keys.

Handling the Installer Updates Channel after Bootstrapping

Once a client system has been bootstrapped, the Installer Updates channel should be removed. The standard update channel already includes the necessary updates, making this channel redundant.

Additionally, during migrations, this channel is unnecessary and should not be used.

Do not register the Uyuni Server base OS to Uyuni itself. The Uyuni Server base OS must be managed individually or by using another separate Uyuni Server.

To manage Uyuni Server Containers, use the mgradm tool.