Prepare Server

Before you start you need to deploy the Uyuni Server. The method for deploying the Uyuni Server varies depending on your hardware and environment.

Uyuni is deployed using the mgradm command. During the deployment process, when you are prompted for which product to install, select Uyuni Server. For more information about deploying the Uyuni Server, see Deploy Uyuni 2024.10 Server.

You need to do some configuration to set up the Uyuni Web UI. In your browser, navigate to the URL of the server, and configure your administration access to the Web UI.

Now you can use the Web UI to prepare software channels and activation keys for your clients.

On the Uyuni Server, add the appropriate SAP channels: From the Web UI, add SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15 for SAP.

Synchronize the Uyuni Server with the SUSE Customer Center. You can do this using the Web UI. Add the new channel to your activation key.

To check if a channel has finished synchronizing navigate to Admin  Setup Wizard and select the Products tab. This dialog displays a completion bar for each product when they are being synchronized.

Software channels can be very large. The initial channel synchronization can sometimes take up to several hours.

When the initial synchronization is complete, we recommended you clone the channel before you work with it. This gives you a backup of the original synchronization data.